here at Potomac Pixiebobs is to breed for type and temperament. We breed to preserve the Original Foundation look of the original Pixie Bob....Pixie. We also work wiith the look of Sampson,Bobby Woodruff and all Stone Island Pixie Bob cats of the original cattery of the Founder Carol Ann Brewer. We have the following cats in our pedigrees: Bobcat legends Trick Or Treat, Ch Bobcat Legends Mighty Handsome,The Original Pixie Bob Cat Pixie
of Stone Island,SGC RocMe, SGC Potomac Viper, SGC Potomac Hershey, DGC Potomac Man On A Mission, Potomac Covergirl, Potomac Venus Flytrap, Potomac Bravey Boy, QGC Potomac Hannah, Ch. Kapercats Morphius, Ch. Pixiepaws Clara of Potomac, and many more..Our breeding program is geared specifically for a Wild bobcat like appearance with a sweet,
friendly disposition. We breed for healthy,active, agile,athletic Pixie Bobs that want human interaction and play time.
We breed for heavy faces, large
chins, heavily hooded eyes with brushy brows , large muzzles, ears set correctly on the head that are spaced properly. Good heavy bodies with large boning. We breed for stand up coats of rufus coloring and stand out small spotting patterns.
Feline AssociationPACE
CountryUnited States
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